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The tenuous relationship between courtesans and the establishment

Hi again!

I wanted to talk just briefly about the relationship that we as courtesans engage in with the patriarchal society we live in. It's a very interesting one, where we need to be always be in control. If a man is BSing us or pressuring us, we walk out. There are many less than desirable men out there - thus they need to pay for sex to begin with. There are those who wish to see us criminalized again so that we cannot go to the police when a client is bad to us. There are those who simply are so old-fashioned that they cannot see the complexity in these cases.

There are also good men out there who are all in favour of adult entertainers - one of the things we have to rejoice is seeing the attitude towards courtesanerie shift and for it to become, hopefully, a viable career option for women that is not taboo.

I hope, in my daughter's lifetime, that the demimonde will be aboveboard and that if she wishes, she can be a cortigiana honesta or honest courtesan.

The relationship we engage in with our clients is so often a tightrope. All it takes is one bad call. This is why we have screening. I wish we didn't have to be so secretive, but I suppose right now, if God is on the side of the Republicans (or Conservatives, take your pick, really), God hates courtesanerie. Jesus loves whores, though!

In nomine Patrii, et Fillii, et Spiritu Sancti,

God save and protect us all.


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