Why I've been taking (substantial) time off

Hi all!
I realize it's been absolute aeons since I last wrote, and for that my sincerest apologies. I have had other commitments which didn't prevent me, so there is no excuse and that's all on me, but they did take precedence.
I have been taking time off though. The reason for this is two-fold: I celebrate Christmas and need to go shopping, even for just little tokens of appreciation for others; and I have been depressed/in a medical situation.
Not all the time, but I've had a hard time getting out of bed, and so I began to learn to code and do Kung Fu, which is very good. I felt lifted up when I did that, but the unfortunate thing is that Kung Fu and coding have the same time slot so that's not great. Mostly it has been for my mental health that I've taken a step back.
I've also had medical issues, nothing to worry about but again, such things take precedence over blogging, although I know I should ideally be doing this on a weekly basis. Don't worry, I'm back. I'm feeling much better - whether it's the snowstorm outside (very brisk!) or something else, I always feel more powerful in the winter. What can I say, I'm a snow person.
I didn't want to draw stigma to myself in either of these manners, so I kept quiet about most of these issues, although I now see that was the wrong decision and I should have let people make the decision whether to worry about me or not. I don't want to infantilize people who care about me the same way the Nordic model infantilizes sexworkers. I am proud to be me - I don't know who else to be.
In short, take a step back. Make sure that you are doing you. Keep calm, carry on, and do what makes you happy. For me, that's full-time sexwork.
I love the holidays, and I'm back for now. Let's all pull together for the hols though. They can be a rough time.