Self-Censoring in the Age of New Laws

Hi all.
I haven't been writing in a while, and I've been flooded with schoolwork but that's ok. Our rights have been severely impacted, and I wanted to take this time to grieve with other members of my community.
Here are a few handy ways of self-censoring.
Make your Tweets more vanilla, and don't show nude pics (explicit genitalia).
Slow down the picture sharing, it has kept me from being shadowbanned.
Get a switter account. (You have to hide your content behind a CW - people who want to find you will still find you). You have to make sure minors aren't viewing your salacious content, though, on one of the other instances.
Leolist is the new board for Canada. It is hosted offshore.
Slixa is safe. It is likewise hosted offshore.
Unfortunately that's all that I know so far that I'm confident about saying. I'm desperately afraid as well. I know you all are too.
So now is the time to hit back, with new platforms, new advertising, and new ways of doing business. There are a a lot of informative documents out there, just follow #SurvivorsagainstSesta and #LetUsSurvive. They have worded it more eloquently than ever I could.
My heart is heavy this evening, and I wanted to take the time out of my day to inform all of you beautiful people, but especially my colleagues: you are not alone. You are beautiful, you are loved. More than anything, you are enough.
You are enough.
I believe in us, as a community. I believe, in coming together, we will emerge, victorious and battle-scarred, out the other side. There is a long fight ahead, but I refuse to give up hope. Maybe our children will tell tales of us, as their role models, their superheroes.
We need to bury each and every hatchet. We need each other now more than ever.
Stay safe, and be well.