Men, Age Limits and Learned Ignorance

Hi all,
I have been stuck for quite a while for inspiration. Luckily, I'm not anymore, because I'm here to talk about how men just ignore your age when they cat-call you.
I know when I was 13,14,15, people would cat-call me, so much so that my knee-jerk reaction now (not then - I wanted to be a good girl) is when I hear male whoops from a car, to just yell "Asshole!" But it was not always this way. Society has moulded men to catcall people who either present as femme or do not present conventionally, just to make them feel less than a person. But the age of consent is a bar, and many girls who have cat-calls by guys are below that age.
I don't know if it's the innocence, or anything else, but people just ignore the age and they won't hear a thing. Or they say things like, "Well, don't tell anyone," or "That's hot." I cannot believe that this is 2017 and this is a discussion we still need to have about street etiquette.
I am weary about it, but we need to fix this problem. Too many men ignore that feminism is here not just to fix patriarchy but also toxic masculinity. Men who misjudge the lofty ideals of feminism call people like me "ugly feminists" among other slurs, but we need to be better and move forward together as a society.