Why you can Write About Bad Dates, but you Need to use the Right Language
Hi all, I recently read a Vice article that I took exception to ("We Interviewed a Sex Industry Hobbyist: The Worst Kind of John") and I...

On Misogyny and why it won't magically get you laid
Hi all, I was just in a twitter war with a troll @Andrew24680 (fellow SPs, for safety's sake please block him immediately) who wanted to...

This week has been rough, so I went to the ROM and watched Cosmos. This is why...
Hi all, I haven't written in a while, and for that I apologize. But this has been...wow. First Bowie died on Jan 12 and now Alan Rickman...

If you don't believe the victims of Deen or the accusers of Cosby, I'm not sure we can help
Hi all, I thought I would add my voice to the many others who are advocating that we start 2016 without rape apologists. The reason for...