On Misogyny and why it won't magically get you laid

Hi all,
I was just in a twitter war with a troll @Andrew24680 (fellow SPs, for safety's sake please block him immediately) who wanted to know how to have casual sex with multiple women. He didn't even pretend to care. He was like, "Hey, @feminist_tinder, let me invade your personal life," and we were off to the races.
A caveat: This post is written in direct response to that, please see @feminist_tinder's TL for the whole thing.
I know I'm preaching to the converted here, but here's the thing: misogyny is not attractive. Disrespecting women sends a bad signal. And I should add that women get disrespected already (not getting parental leave in the US, for example) for emotional labour the world feels is owed to them. Well, it isn't.
This is not to say if you are a man you should feel bad about yourself. As long as you respect and value women and the cost of their labour you are perfectly fine. I'm talking to the trolls right beind Andrew who feel that the world owes them glittering prizes for being decent human beings.
Listen to me, trolls. The world doesn't owe you anything. In fact, the world owes you less than nothing with that unattractive attitude and just expecting pussy or cock to be lying around whenever you behave. Wow, you opened a door for me so you could sneak a peek at my fine derriere. I must have casual sex with you now. Oh baby. Oh yes. *Yawn*.
If a civilian woman has her limits, how little bullshit SPs are willing to llsten to! I absolutely will not see a man I am unsure of, who will disrespect me. It's a matter of comfort and safety. And SPs are aware that their time carries monetary value - a fact lost on many. So I will not llsten to BS nor will I waste my time catering to it (although at the end it became a bit like a carnival ride, so shoot me).
Disrespecting SPs and ignoring SPs is bad practice. It doesn't make sense, and I'm tired of it. Angus Johnston, who tweets @studentactivism, tried to make it clear. He tweeted: "It's like you've got Babe Ruth telling you how to hit a curveball and you're arguing with him." Yes! Over and above misogyny, this is a civil rights issue. Marginalized populations deserve to be listened to, and until we are, someone will always pay.
No matter how much or little you approve of my life choices, they are mine - and we are on the same team. Until everyone gets basic human decency without expecting applause, we can all just wait for the next troll.
We can do it, everyone. I believe in rights and human decency. We can all do it.