Being judged on social media

Hi all,
I know I haven't written for ages and ages, but I was inspired to write my first post in quite a while. There is a thread on CAERF (the Canadian Escort Review Forum, for those uninitiated) that is called "Ladies who Do Not Pass my Screening on Twitter," and I personally thought it was pretty funny because it's basically a bunch of dudes complaining about screening and bragging about how they never give out their own info.
I became involved and gradually realized a few things: these guys only patronize agencies where they are not screened as thoroughly (I'm sure agencies do screen, I'm not sure what the protocol is); and they are essentially out to troll anyone who is an independent and un-affiliated with any agency. One of my good friends has experienced this first-hand before.
So the OP was writing about how he could ask intrusive questions like "What's on the menu?" and other things that is not advised you talk about because it's actually illegal. This got me really upset so I replied with some sass with a topping of snark (I'm hungry, and we're talking about menus. Gaaahhh!!!). Everyone piled on top of me as a result, and especially a couple of people, one of whom a called me a "fucking entitled bitch." DM me over Twitter or PM me over CAERF for this guy's info.
Basically, what I'm trying to say here is don't judge a book by its cover. Everyone knows that they are not everyone's cup of tea. The people who try to be everyone's cup of tea, in my humble opinion, have little personality. With all the indies I know, they are so happy they made the transition from agency to indy. Screening and advertising cost, for sure, but hey, you get to dictate your hours and can really be a small business owner. That for me is the empowering thing about the demimonde - it can make you free and independent without hurting you financially.
Let's try our best to just get along. Don't judge someone about their behaviour on Twitter, FB or other social media. That just makes you look like a fool and no-one can help you.