Alliteration for Always
Today, I'll be brief. This is, however, an issue facing every courtesan. What to call Titty Tuesday. Or Fuck me Friday.
Why does it need to alliterate? Well, it does stick in the mind and help to promote yourself. If you post pictures on Twitter as well, it really does help. Except for Hump Day (Wednesday, obvi) it helps to alliterate. But how about Thursday? How do you alliterate a TH sound? With what word? Perhaps I'm being obtuse. Anyways, you can shoot me suggestions on Twitter @OliviaGraceSP.
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday are all difficult to alliterate, so people tend to skip over them with other names. Or things like me "Meet me Monday" and Hump Day. Works for me. At least H is easier to alliterate than a W sound, or a TH sound. Of course S is easy to alliterate - "sexy Saturday", and so on.
To be honest, this is just a brainstorm opportunity for me to promote myself for the next week. I'm being lazy as anything right here right now.
I'll write more about being a courtesan tomorrow. Or I may just write about the Jays because they are having a fucking amazing season. The Jays won 9-6 tonight, extending their win streak to 8, and the Habs won in Montreal. All is well in my world.