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Reactions to new bill

Hi guys.

I am unable to speak for others' lived experiences, so I will speak for myself. However, I strongly feel that I am not in the minority, as Peter MacKay would readily tell you.

You will all be quite happy to know that I am not changing ANYTHING as yet, because this law is proposed, but not yet law. My big deal here and the thing that really gets stuck in my craw is that the Conservatives are conflating sex trafficking and sex work, when this law was supposed to be about consensual sex work.

Added to which, I don't know how may Conservatives have seen SPs but I'd bet ready money that more a few of them have. So. Hypocrisy much? Lolz, guys. Just lolz.

Over a year ago, I went into this industry by choice because I was being paid slave wages in other jobs. The Conservatives has this big saviour complex. The answer to getting women out of the industry (if they wish to exit) is to raise the minimum wage, or preferably, have it across the board hourly - not the daily $35 I earned. That is lunch at a standard restaurant in Toronto. That is nothing.

This industry has been very good to me. I stayed in it because of that fact. That and the people I met, who I find incredibly interesting and diverse, from the Oxford grad who gave me my first orgasm to my relatively recent three-hour call, who was the first person to explore- with my consent - light BDSM on me, which was awesome.

People get into the sex trade for many reasons. If I had wanted a square job I would have searched harder and probably gotten less pay. I have the freedom to set my own hours, my own rates, my own limitations. I am not a victim because I am always in charge.

Please take that into consideration when you try to table morals. It will not happen. People have kinks that their colleagues know nothing about. People have tried and failed to criminalize sex work because they think it's bad. It's not. It's healthy for the population as a whole.

Sex a human need. Food, sleep, and sex are the things we crave. Love, too, if we can find it. So stop trying to criminalize human drives when you are asexual, Peter MacKay.

We will fight this war and we will win because no way is that law constitutional. That's all, folks!

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