Where to Next? A Blank Slate
Happy Canada Day!
In honour of July 1, I thought I would write about where the country seems headed and what we, the common people, can do about it.
It seems headed back to a fundamentalist Christian country where women can be controlled like chattel. Peter Mackay's wife tells us to be thankful we don't live in Iran. That is setting the bar spectacularly low.
If the people on Parliament Hill don't check their white privilege sometime soon, we will have a crisis on our hands. However, we can solve most of it easily: remove Harper.
But what then?
Well, as I see it Justin Trudeau would be a great guy to have a beer with, but he does not have the wit to lead the country.It would be kinder not to vote for him, fuckable as he may be. He may oppose things like Bill c36, but only to support his base, which is pretty centrist and common-sense already.
Thomas Mulcair? Eh...he's centrist AND NDP. That's like a poison cocktail. The only party with less chance of leading the country is the Greens. They're a party of one. I do not see that happening either.Although all these parties reject Bill c36, they still don't have the funding the Liberals and Conservatives do.
There is Harper. He will be running. If you like unreliable leaders, you may vote for him. With him comes Peter Mackay and his wife AND their new toddler, so Peter Mackay can boast about how he's a dad now. To quote Tabatha Southey: "The man (Mackay) is in so many fora being wrong, I am in awe." Yeah, we do not want that patrician attitude back. He and Harper are (hopefully, oh please dear God hopefully) out.
My gut feeling is that out there somewhere is still, hidden in plain sight, the best Prime Minister we will ever have. Let us consult the signs. Let us pray deeply before committing. Let's make this year a good one for Canada, because we can change it. Change is good.
It's go time.