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Masking an Industry

I am pretty shocked by all that's been going on in the standing committee on human rights.

This is because the victims of trafficking and underage prostitution are present, as well as faith-based organisations. I don't understand why they are permitted to speak in regards to an adult consensual prostitution bill.

I do not invalidate their bravery, and their traumas. I applaud them for bravery in standing forth and finding the courage to speak. But because this law is based on pragmatic needs, practical needs, I do not believe that people who have been so heavily scarred by this industry, who speak from a place of deep emotion, should be allowed to speak as regards important legislation.

This industry can be rewarding and our clients (at least mine) are wonderful. The women who see the industry from a place of deep trauma, or were forced into it without choice, are indeed victims of criminal acts, for which laws are already on the books. I do not believe that they should be allowed to speak, but they are also victims of the rescue industry, and many are deeply religious.

Our present society has a large Madonna/Whore complex, which refuses sex workers the right to autonomy and choice, and refuses to recognize women as complex creatures. They must know that their law will not pass. The Conservatives may be dumb, but they are not stupid.

The law will be struck down, possibly sooner than later. It will not pass the constitutional smell test. This for the election in 2015 and nothing else. However, one thing does remain: deep emotion does not a great argument make.


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