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On Dec 17, let's look forward as well as back

Hi all,

December 17 is the International Day to End Violence Against Sexworkers. On that day, let us look forward as well as back.

Let us remember the attacks on escorts in Etobicoke, and the one who was sexually assaulted. Just because she escaped with her life does not mean she is the same person.

Let us remember those often pushed to the margins of sexwork - street-involved workers and those who do not identify as male or female, but whose gender identity exists intersectionally.

As we look back and remember, honouring our dead, let us look forward to the fight for rights we have, shamefully, yet to achieve. Let us pressure our politicians into non-enforcement. Let us appreciate the Toronto councillors who have signed the letter to Kathleen Wynne, and let us remember those who tragically lost their lives in 2014 and years past.

I appreciate that, even though I chose to become a sexworker and am not a victim, I write from a place of privilege because I am white and cis. I recognize that many exist at the margins of sexwork, and perform survival sexwork just to get by. These choices or lack thereof are what PCEPA fails to distinguish. If they had, however, we would have a much better-written law, serving to protect sexworkers and keeping their safety in mind always. We would have hotlines and more efficient shelters, and the government would be addressing the problems that cause many to get involved in the sex trade, such as poverty and lack of sufficient, affordable housing.

As we begin to understand the impact of PCEPA on all of our lives, let us honour the memory of our dead by looking forward to the fight for human rights. Because sexworkers are people too, and the government should recognize that.



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