How Sexworkers are Feminist Leaders of our Own Destinies
Hi there!
I apologize for the long absence. I am trying to do this better I promise. Hopefully you will have less than a fortnight to wait in between bloggy musings.
Sexworkers are many things - sexy, desirable, fantastic, nerdy (or not) geeky (or not) fashionable (or not - which may pose a problem).All can agree, however, that me must embrace pretty liberal tenets of life if we are to live out our lives in this profession and be happy with ourselves the way we are.
In many ways, people who already identify as feminist are forced to actively believe that those values are true - that gender equality ought to exist, that athletes everywhere regardless of sexual orientation should be allowed to compete, that sexual orientation does not determine the way that you are treated. On many fronts, this is a battle yet to be won, which just shows how little progress we have made over the last thirty-odd years.
Sexworkers and those who stand to benefit from the (admittedly still ideal)changes being made to our laws, to our labour being recognized as labour, to protection of our rights, are feminists, whether we speak the word out loud or not. On whatever place we put ourselves on the gender continuum, we must live our lives in accordance with the values of feminism in order to be this accepting.
Sexworkers are feminists, all of us, and the antis are the only people spewing nonsense. We must stop them before they destroy more of our lives and our incomes.