With a Liberal majority, who KNOWS what could happen?

Hi all,
Oh my god. I am left stunned, and so presumably is PM Trudeau, by what happened in Ottawa last night.
The Liberals were in a distant third place, absolutely unexpected to rise to the occasion. But something magical started happening around a week ago. If you had told me that we would elect a Liberal majority 78 days ago, I would've said you were crazy, that Trudeau the younger isn't as smart intellectually, that Tom Mulcair is the clear choice for leader. How wrong I would have been.
I went to the polls in advance voting - I remember because it was the same day as Game 5 of the ALDS and I was totally pissed that I was missing the first couple innings, and I almost left. Twice. People had to convince me to stay, and they are fucking angels, because I did my democratic duty, had my say, reluctantly voting Liberal because the NDP candidate in my riding is very able, and went home and, as it turned out, celebrated the bat-flip with millions of people around the world.
Presumably people just wanted to see change, and I was genuinely sorry to see the NDP get caught in the middle. Many passionate, capable NDPers lost their seats because people had decided - if it was between the old Harper administration and the new untried Justin Trudeau, they were going to give Trudeau the younger a shot. I don't blame them, but even Mulcair barely won his seat back, by around 1500 votes. Gilles Duceppe, whose party I am amazed to see hang on, and everyone involved in endorsing c36 and the PCEPA somehow lost their jobs. Funny, how when you're a dick to people, you don't win any popularity contests.
To Tom Mulcair, I am genuinely sorry. I have personally voted NDP my entire life. So has almost my whole family. We were ABCs - Anything But Conservative. We have a new PM now, and the next race I will vote for you. But you cannot resign. You have a brilliant legislative mind, and a knack for listening first and asking questions well later. You are a brilliant orator - I heard you speak on c36 and you almost made me cry. You must stay. I will miss you as Leader of the Opposition. It was a space you inhabited well, calling out the Conservatives on their bullshit. And I promise, now that we have change in Ottawa, in the next race you can count on my vote.
As for you, Prime Minister Trudeau, you were right last night when you said Canadians left you very clear marching orders. A lot will be expected of you. It cannot be easy to follow a parent into office when you two are so different. Be your own man, and do it in good faith, and the country will follow. But if a humble courtesan may reach out to you, don't forget Canada. Stephen Harper forgot Canada, and pandered to his niche interests. We expect better from you - all of us. Always keep Canada, and Canadians, in the front of your mind. You'll do fine.