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An Open Letter to Clients who Value their Privacy

Hi all,

I know I just blogged a couple of days ago. However, I have been inspired to write about exactly why I am tightening up my protocols. This is because I haven't had a hard time with them, but I have had people turn me away. I'm not particularly upset about this, but I wanted to take a moment to explain to clients in general why it is that girls, especially independents, seem to be changing their rules.

It is the draconian anti-sexwork law, quite frankly, that is forcing me into this. I wish I didn't have to do this, but at the moment, sex workers and especially indies' backs are against the wall. I have had one too many calls where the guy just didn't show or flaked or whatever. So recently, I decided to ask for a piece of ID or a reference that I can email if you haven't seen me before. So far, it's been working out, and I feel safer knowing that my clients are who they say they are. There have also been people who take advantage of sexworkers when they don't ask for references or ID, and that scares me into changing my protocols.

What I wish to say to clients whose privacy they prize is this: You are not stigmatized. You are not in danger. You have the option of going to the police. We lack all of that, especially independent providers. So please, act like a gentleman, do what the lady asks of you, and have a wonderful time. Also, manners are super sexy. Guaranteed, if you follow her protocols, she will be looking forward to you returning.

This has been an explanation and public service announcement from your friendly neighbourhood service provider. We all hope you abide by and respect our rules. If not, we cannot do business together. I am sorry for it but that's the way it is.



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