Yesterday was International Offend a Feminist Day - Nobody I Know Engaged with It

Hi all,
I wanted to write about something that badly needs to be discussed - bullshit days when men get to go "MEN! We should have rights, too!" or offending feminists for entertainment's sake. Because you are doing yourselves, feminism, and the continuing fight for equality of all genders a serious disservice when you do.
Unlike the woman pictured above, feminists are not blood-sucking vampire zombie bitches. We are your friends, your lovers, your sisters, your mothers. We're the ones that taught you that you seriously can be anything you would like to be, because we're on the path to gender equality. That is good for all genders. Believe me. All human beings deserve human rights, and it is so incredible that we are still fighting for them, especially aboriginal women, PoC, and the transgender community, all of whom badly need everybody's support.
This is why I think both International Mens Day and International Offend a Feminist Day are BS so far - no one focuses on genuinely helping anyone, the majority focus on complaining. Now, complaining is great, as long as it is followed up by perceptive, real action - for instance, helping men in need of support. But too often, MRAs complain about issues and then do NOTHING. How do you expect society to change its attitude towards raising awareness of men's issues if, too often, change fails to happen?
Unfortunately, it is much the same with International Offend a Feminist Day. I am glad I didn't know until too late that this was a thing. Men attacking women for entertainment's sake. I do have to say, if I was one of your mothers I would be so ashamed that I would take away all of your privileges, because clearly the men attacking women are children in adult-size bodies and deserve to be treated as such.
Finally, I would like to end on a positive note: that we are slowly but surely winning the fight for gender equality against all odds, and against all the men who would really like to retain their privilege. If you are a genuinely kind human being concerned with helping people, especially men - set up a men's support network. Invite their male and female friends and family to come along. Make it an intersectional feminist affair. Because this is all about equality. Feminism is not about man-hating, it is about leveling the playing field.
With that in mind, our feelings and voices are not for men's entertainment. We need to be taken seriously. Moreover, we will take you seriously if you return the favour, because...feminism.