On Intl Day to End Violence Against Sexworkers and how Walking While Non-Male is Still Not Cool

Hi all,
I realize it has been some time since I wrote, and for that I apologize. I have had some other things to do, so hopefully this will be a one-off.
Yesterday was the International Day to End Violence Against Sexworkers. Many voices more eloquent than mine were writing about it. But chances are, unless you are an ally, an advocate, a client, or a sexworker, or exist at the intersection of at least two of those identities, you hadn't marked your calendar and it wasn't important. Which is sad, because the rights of everyone include sexworkers.
I was so tired. So very tired of the faith-based bullshit. We as sexworkers try as hard as we can, to talk sense into these people who are all like "Sexwork is rape"...but was so very tired of their continuous argument. 1) Do you like what you do? (PS. Is this asked about ANY OTHER JOB?) If the answer is "Yes," then it goes 2)Oh. You're getting money for it. You must have no other options or be coerced. That is what CAPITALISM is, so sorry. 3) But it's rape! No. It's a job if someone gives you MONEY and you CONSENT. 4) But you can't consent if someone is giving you money! That's coercion! But I'm an adult. I can't be coerced if my consent is valid. You are denying women bodiy autonmony and effectively condoning violence against women. 5) But it's (insert ethnicity/or gender here) slavery! No. It's not.... 6) But do you LIKE what you DO?...ad infinitum.
That's what I've been doing for the past two years, on Twitter, on my blog, trying to explain to the close-minded likes of Meghan Murphy why sexworker rights are important. They don't see us as women. They don't see us as people, period, no matter our gender or pronouns. They see us as soiled, promiscuous. But hey, they can give the milk away for free because who doesn't want to fuck Meghan Murphy hard? I mean, I don't but any takers?
I also realized (and this BLEW my fucking MIND) that walking while non-male, non-white is not safe in Toronto. In the city I was born in, I cannot walk on my light without people trying to cut me off. I was pretty torn up about that. This is my home, my neighborhood. For those you who live in neighborhood-centric cities, you know what I'm talking about. For those f you who live in Toronto, or any other metropolitan area, you know we are all ASSHOLES during the holidays. I want to feel safe in my neighborhood, but I realized that I can't do my fucking shopping without people driving by me or not paying attention to me. Maybe, unbeknownst to myself, I had a flashing neon sign saying "SEXWORKER" above my head. That would probably explain a whole lot.
I hope it gets better for everyone, I really do. Because until we recognize sexworkers as people, and sexwork as work, we are going to have a hell of a time with trans/ LGBTQ2S/ aboriginal/all other marginalized rights as well. Let us work hard to pressure the government and make sure our laws and our spaces that we inhabit are safe for everyone. Because we can do it. Whites are no longer the majority. Marginalized groups are.
PS. I realize this post has been depressing. I'm a bit depressed about all of it. But I do have faith in humanity (with a few glaring exceptions, DJT being a stellar standout). Normal, bubbly service will be restored soon. Thank you for your patience.