3 years in SexWork and What they Taught Me

Hi all,
I knew that I would need to write again soon, and was sort of dreading it but mostly not. So I've decided to write about the changes I have made in my life and the lessons I have learned since moving to sexwork full-time.
Number one, in my life, has been to keep that hidden. Make sure you have a good story, something that "wholesome" people can believe. "I work for a call centre and the hours are OUTRAGEOUS."
Take care of yourself. That means haircuts, shellac mani/pedi, and a whole body waxing, I don't know or care what time of year it is. I get it done every 2 or 3 months, my shellac every 3 or 4 weeks. These are counted as business expenses, so don't feel bad about them. Even if you're strapped for cash, GET YOUR NAILS DONE. Your hair and waxing can wait. Keep looking good for your clients. They will love you for it. If you don't take care of yourself, who will?
Invest in a solid photographer. This is so key. I love my photographer (see image above) and we've been working together since I was a new SP. Shop around for looks, too. What do you want your brand to be? Prepare for a photoshoot like you would a class. Research what you want your look to be this time. Then carpe diem.
Brand, brand, brand. This is a thing. Trust me. Girlfriend? Dark horse? Seductive beauty? Alt? Tattooed? Get to know yourself and the brand you represent will come to you.
Cut out people who are not there for you as a courtesan. Consider. You give these people your time for free. If they use it to denigrate you, cut them out.
Always screen. I ask for photo ID if they're new. Polite introductory emails or texts never hurt a man to write. Remember to screen and remember you can refuse to see him.
Have a personal life. This is also important. We all have work to do. That's a given. But how we spend our time off the clock is not and never will be any client's business.
Finally, most important of all - sexwork is work. Don't disrespect it. Give this endeavour the same effort you would put into anything else. Be serious about it.
This is all very key because to the civilian world, you will not read as an escort, just another well-heeled, successful person. They will treat you no differently.
I love spending time alone. I don't have many civvie friends. I am very candid and sometimes brutally so. But all the people I've met over the last three years have truly touched me and made a lasting impact.
I look forward to a fantastic career in sexwork!