World mourns the worst targeted LBTQA2S atrocity in US history in #Orlando

Hi all,
It's been forever since I last wrote about basically any mass shooting, but this one is different. This past Sunday morning at 2am, a shooter opened fire at a queer nightclub called Pulse, killing 50 and injuring 53. It happened in Orlando, Fla, and let's be clear here: This was a hate crime. This was targeting a specific group. They weren't human beings - they were queer folk during Pride, living their best lives. This makes them highly symbolic of the hate and homophobia that motivated this crime.
I cannot even fathom what this must feel like to the LBTQA2S community. My heart bleeds for them, and for all the members of that community who are in my life I would like to say: I love you. You have my support. Call me anytime.
Cis people need to take a backseat right now. Listen, support, and grieve with your family, your community, your friends. Hear them, and give them safe spaces.
I am still shocked and horrified by what has happened. The USA needs to have some serious discussion about gun control. If anyone dares throw mentally ill people under the bus for this one, I will be severely displeased.This crime was motivated by hate and homophobia. For the record, the vast majority of mentally ill adults are non-violent.
I would love to see this addressed during the Presidential debates. This question of gun control is one that the States can't tap-dance around any longer.I would like to see it addressed and properly taken care of. It will require deep and careful consideration, but since there's nothing like a mass shooting to spark political interest in mental health, maybe...background checks? Evaluations? Behaviours that are not normal, like violent behaviour (or buying a gun last week)?
I believe the United States can do this. We've done a lot of hard things before. It's not like we haven't tested our limits. But a serious , careful, well-though-out debate about gun control needs to happen or the mass shotings are just going to continue.
I mourn with the rest of the world. Hopefully, the next couple of days will be a win.