Toronto's Beautiful Women are HOT, not COLD
Hi, There is a thread on TERB called "Women Downtown...WTF?" that this post is written in direct opposition to. The thread was started by...

How Sexworkers are Feminist Leaders of our Own Destinies
Hi there! I apologize for the long absence. I am trying to do this better I promise. Hopefully you will have less than a fortnight to...

On Sexwork and Civilian Relationships
Hi all, I would like to blog today about something that has been on my mind lately...the (sometimes tenuous) relationship that exists...

On Dec 17, let's look forward as well as back
Hi all, December 17 is the International Day to End Violence Against Sexworkers. On that day, let us look forward as well as back. Let us...

Judging Manon, and why we shouldn't
Hi all, I realize I've been away, and I apologize for that. I have been very busy, and yesterday I saw a matinee of the ballet Manon. It...

Revenge for the Blue Jays
The Blue Jays. They started off the season so full of hope. No one was injured. Everybody was happy and healthy.It was like they were...

Importance of Keeping Connected
Hello. I write to you today in a slightly sheepish manner. You see, I watched "Last Week Tonight" with John Oliver on YouTube almost all...

We Sell our Time, not Sex
Hi all, I have been following the debate in the Senate over c36 with considerable interest over the past couple of days. Again, I have...

So looking forward to back to school!
Hey all, I have this love of fall, and I am so looking forward to back to school, because it's the best thing since sliced bread. I love...

Autumn in Toronto!
Hi all! I'm so so sorry for abandoning you for a month! I care more for you than that. It won't happen again. Because we Torontonians are...