Is this what life after c36 looks like?
Today I will be brief. I am, however, worried. I haven't gotten a call in a week and I'm maybe thinking of touring to New York and DC....

An Open Letter to Parliament in re: Bill c-36
Well, that was horrifying. As we finally conclude four days of hearings, I can safely say the the evangelicals will give the...

Masking an Industry
I am pretty shocked by all that's been going on in the standing committee on human rights. This is because the victims of trafficking and...

Having 'one of those days'
Hey guys, Sorry for my absence. I have been totally focussed on CPAC, as the prostitution bill is under debate in the Committee stage in...

Where to Next? A Blank Slate
Happy Canada Day! In honour of July 1, I thought I would write about where the country seems headed and what we, the common people, can...

US Must Win This Match (and the Jays have to start winning, too)
OK. So we lost. I'm ok with that. You can't win 'em all. But for serious, the Jays need to win starting tomorrow. That's all I have to...

They call it the beautiful game!
Oh my God! That was an incredible day! Three close matchups, including Australian and the Netherlands (3-2 Netherlands), Espana and Chile...
Reactions to new bill
Hi guys. I am unable to speak for others' lived experiences, so I will speak for myself. However, I strongly feel that I am not in the...

A "degrading activity" - Peter MacKay's law draconian and unconstitutional
This is my reaction to the summary of bill C36 - utter shock. Hatred. Venom. Then spitting anger. Now what I do for a living is legal,...

Playing the System, Writing the Law: No Shame in Voluntary Sex Work
Hi guys. No, I have no idea who the girl in the picture is, but she's sure got nice legs:) Today I will be blogging about a subject which...